Embrace a fresh start by focusing on what truly matters to you. Explore how you can start small with consistent actions for a more fulfilling life.
Table of Contents
A Fresh Start
Growing up in the mountains of Utah, January always felt like a fresh start.
The days got longer. The snow-covered peaks were brilliant white. And it was a time to set Big, Audacious Goals—because that’s what we do on January 1st, right?
But after 48 years, I’ve learned a secret:
Setting huge, life-changing goals often doesn’t work.
The Problem with Big, Audacious Goals
Here’s why – our biggest stumbling block is taking on goals that aren’t truly ours. What do I mean?
We live in a society that constantly tells us we are not enough. We’re chasing what the world tells us to want—more money, perfect bodies, bigger and better vacations. It’s exhausting. It doesn’t matter what’s important to you – parenting, friendships, career, or a hobby – as high-achieving physicians, we want to see continual progress.
Whew. How are you feeling? I’m already exhausted! And we are barely a week into the new year!
What if, instead, we focused on what lights us up inside?
- What brings you joy? Is it time outdoors? A creative hobby? Giving back?
- What can you do today? Five minutes of effort. That’s all it takes to start.
Start Small, Start Now
Here’s the truth:
You don’t need the perfect plan, gear, or schedule to begin. Consistency—not perfection—is the secret to building a great life.
Small actions, repeated consistently, become unstoppable.
Here’s another bombshell from Howard Thurman, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Whatever the purpose is, it must be personal to you. Then, think about ways to build more of that into your life.
Recently, a good friend recommended Oliver Burkeman’s book Mediation for Mortals. I’ve enjoyed Oliver’s writing for years, and this book is packed with actionable lessons.
The Trap of Perfectionism
As physicians, we perfectionists love the endless research before jumping into anything new. Instead of starting a new fitness plan we know we would enjoy, we have to discover the BEST plan and the PERFECT time of day to do it. And – this is my favorite part – we get to research and buy all the BEST GEAR.
But – and this is key – we haven’t started doing our thing. We mistake the research and the thinking about our new thing for actually doing our thing. What if, instead, today, you decided to weight lift or do yoga for just five minutes?
Or if your thing is journaling or writing, you just sit down and write for five minutes? And do it again tomorrow.
You don’t have to be perfect, and this process is imperfect. But now you are doing the thing and building consistency. Your new thing doesn’t even have to happen every day. It can be a daily-ish habit.
Consistency is a superpower: it can help us build relationships, show up for our kids, build strength and fitness, or build wealth. Anyone can occasionally make heroic efforts, but creating a great life requires consistency.
Not quite ready to accept less than perfect? Check out my post about Accepting Good Enough to see it in a new perspective.
Ready to Start Small?
Here is what I want you to practice this month. Take a few minutes, maybe an hour at most, and ask what you want to focus on this year. It could be strengthening your relationship or marriage, being a more present parent, or being financial or fitness-related.
Now, break that down into something you can do today. It doesn’t have to be superhuman. It just has to get done. Ask yourself tomorrow: How can I show up and do my thing?